Thursday, June 20, 2013

Microsoft Project- The New Manager

Microsoft Project is a unique program that allows for easy and efficient project portfolio management. It gives companies the opportunity to prioritize, manage and collaborate on projects. Teams work together in one location, one program and  can work from any where on any device. Managers have visibility and insight on their team’s project with a single view of all their work. They are able to make decisions on projects and prioritize. Microsoft Project also allows the team to create and customize reports. So would this program be beneficial to my company and my managers? Absolutely! And for one main reason-

I work in the Registration Department with a handful of other Registration Specialists where we work on different accounts, building registration websites and handling the registration process. Our Registration Manager oversees our department by managing our work with each client. At times we can be working on three or four events. Each event consists of different deadlines, such as launch dates, rooming lists due date, attrition cut offs, name badge shipping dates, reminders, IPO follow ups, final confirmations, etc.  Microsoft Project would allow each of us, Registration Specialists to track our progress on every event and deadline while giving our manager the opportunity to supervise all our work in one area. Currently, we have weekly huddle up meetings and one-on-ones with our manager to address the events we are working on. Both meetings are effective and we constantly communicate with our manager on a daily basis to follow up with requests or updates for our programs. We create timelines for ourselves to ensure our work is completed in a timely manner. However, Microsoft Project would give our department a great advantage, we would be able to track our work and ensure we are at the right point in our events by meeting our targets. Our manager can see what needs to be done, prioritize the events that need to be completed and rank the deadlines of all our programs. Microsoft Project would allow our manager to see the overall picture of everyone’s programs, the status of each event and ensure all items are completed. We would fulfill all obligations for every event and would be sure to accommodate all expected deadlines. This would guarantee that we would not lose a client due to an important element being overlooked. Instead, it would help in gaining more revenue for our company as we would always have successful events that would generate our clients to assign more programs to us. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Reflecting on Pandora

Capgemini Consulting presented Pandora with a number of opportunities for the immediate future and long term prospects. The consultants clearly stated that Pandora:

  • Is not effectively monetizing their user base
  • Banner advertising is not able to cover the company’s run-rate costs for employee salaries and licensing fees
  • High royalties are causing more financial issues
  • And if Pandora continues down the same path they will exhaust their cash within the next two years

    Capgemini Consulting suggest the following alternatives that would allow Pandora to prosper in the future:

    • Change in advertisement structure
    • Develop mobile application for iPhone
    • Battle royalty fees
    • Hire executives for business strategy
    • Open Mic
    • Rebrand the company
    • Globalization

      Changing in advertisement structure and battling high royalty fees are immediate actions Pandora can use to aid their company in obtaining a positive cash flow. Although battling Congress in lowering high royalties would certainly solve the majority of the financial problems Pandora is facing, it will also create a burden on the company as legal and court fees are just as high as an expense. However, restructuring Pandora’s advertising strategy is a great idea and would assist in generating more revenue. As the consultants mentioned Pandora is playing the least amount of advertisements on the radio than their competitors. Increasing the current one per an hour advertisements will definitely make a difference and consumers may not even notice a change if it is kept minimal. Some consumers even enjoy advertisements as demonstrated in the Absolut study where listeners enjoyed listing to a fun “going out mix” while Absolut advertised their new Pear-flavored vodka. Also, dveloping a mobile application for the iPhone is also another immediate action and excellent suggestion as mentioned in the first analysis. This would give Pandora a competitive advantage and allow them to give listeners what they want while growing in a technology based society.

      Hiring executives to create business strategies and the Open Mic notion are good for short term goals but the right decisions need to be made in order for both to be successful. For example, the right executives need to be hired; experienced and knowledgeable directors need to be found in order for them to plan the right approach for Pandora’s future. Also, the idea of Open Mic could create valuable revenue, increase Pandora’s song base and attract more artist and listeners but this proposal needs to be kept up with, monitored and set up correctly in order to be successful.

      Finally, rebranding the company and globalization are long term opportunities that will allow Pandora sustainable growth. Rebranding the company through sharing will definitely have a large impact on the company as social media and online communications are leaving a large impression in the digital world. Pandora does have potential for venturing into international expansion but as mentioned that will need to be a future outlook for the company as it will take time to build their brand, secure licensing, research different countries, incorporate ethnic music and gain the audience of foreign listeners. All of this will take up a lot of time through research and development and will cost Pandora a great deal of financial investment that they do not have at the moment.

      Thursday, June 13, 2013

      Opening Pandora’s Box…for the Future

      Tim Westergren, chief strategist and founder of is faced with challenges for the future of his company. Although by December 2007, the company grew to 8 million and online hours grew to 50% year on year the company was still not yet cash-flow positive. However, Pandora is truly becoming a success as it continues to grow, attracts new customers, developed the Music Gnome Project and reaches new levels in the internet radio industry. Westergren is now struggling to keep the dreams of his business in sight while balancing the interest of his various venture capitalists (VC). He is left with a few alternatives but is open to more. The first alternative he contemplated is pulling back on the growth levers like search engine marketing and general marketing expenses, cut back on expanding employment and raise minimal amount of new investment (possibly through acquisition). The second was taking a complete opposite approach, top out the search engine marketing, hire aggressively and take advantage of the first- mover advantage. This second alternative would count on raising a very large round of finance and set its sights much higher.

      Pandora faces challenges like a threat on the licensing costs, high royalties, a large number of employee salaries, marketing and advertising expenses and competition from others in the industry (i.e. AM/FM radio, satellite radio, CD sales, digital music like iTunes, etc.). So how is Westergren supposed to allow Pandora to grow and what is the right decision to watch in prosper rather than fail?

      Pandora continues down the line of success as it increases their user base. However, its greatest financial challenge, increasing royalties still creates the largest threat to Pandora. What options can the company take to help balance those high royalties? The first option, which actually created some buzz in government were the 1.3 million letters the U.S. Congress received from Pandora users about the increasing royalties. This is not enough to help the company increase revenues to offset the high royalties. Pandora needs to develop a dominant market share to keep the capital rising. Other options Westergren considered were increased spending on marketing, pushing development of a mobile platform and powering viral growth.

      Now Westergren is faced with the question- will the investment firms stick with him as Pandora enters a cash-consuming rapid growth period? He needs to ensure his potential new bankers feel the same way as he does about the company growing even with the high expenses and investments that need to be made.

      Westergren has a lot on his plate but taking it step by step will ensure he moves the company forward and allows Pandora to continue to succeed. Battling Congress to lower royalties will be much more of a financial burden than actually paying the high prices. His main concern should be increasing revenues to cover the royalties and bring in more to allow the company a positive cash flow. Although, increasing advertising and marketing will bring in more users and more clients to advertise on Pandora it may not bring enough revenue in. Especially, seeing as the increase in advertisement for the company will probably balance out any revenue they bring in from clients that advertise on Pandora. Hiring more staff will only increase expenses and cutting back on staff will only jeopardize the company. Westergren has found an alternative that could certainly change the future of Pandora. Pushing development of a mobile platform will cost the company during research and development but seeing as this is what customers are looking for and want, it will give Pandora that competitive advantage and attract users to stay with them while attracting new users.  

      Wednesday, June 5, 2013

      Reflecting on Bombardier

      Dynamic Consultants did an excellent job while presenting Bombardier’s best practices for a third attempt to implement an ERP system. They presented best practices and areas of improvements for four key areas, executive management, project management, knowledge transfer and adoption, which were reflected from Bombardier’s second attempt in implementing ERP. They rated each best practice on a red, yellow or green scale in which the yellow best practices demonstrated in the second attempt need a little work and the red rated practices from the second attempt certainly need improvement. With that said the following were best practices that the consultants rated in yellow and red, coincidentally some of these items that were also noted as needing attention in the first analysis (blog) of Bombardier’s ERP Implementation.

      • Executive Management should remain actively involved throughout the implementation.
      • Create a project organization structure to provide planning and quick response for decision making, issues management as well as aggressive project management processes.
      • Ensure proper management that distinguishes best-in-class ERP implementation. Have a dedicated project manager who is involved in both planning and ongoing management.
      • Define, understand, map and prioritize key business requirements and processes.
      • Create a Prerequisite End User Skills Education Plan to develop end users.
      • Use of consultants limited to facilitation.


        • The project team composition should represent all functional areas where the software will be implemented. Each functional area should be adequately resourced to ensure that ‘backfills’ are in place to release key team participants.
        • Develop your own success criteria and expectations.
        • Create Training Staffing Plan to customize facilitation of ERP systems.
        • Create a Training Delivery Plan to develop proper content and training logistics.
        • A Curriculum Matrix will provide a visual snapshot of end user progress.
        • A separate Training Budget is vital to ensure support throughout implementation.
        • Conduct a phased-rollout of the new ERP system.
        • Change of administrative processes to fit the software.
        After hearing the thoughts from the Dynamic Consultants on each best practice it is clear that their suggestions are accurate and should be followed. The items listed above in bold were overlooked in the first analysis (blog) of Bombardier and should definitely be considered during the third implementation. The consultants covered those best practices and provided the company with feedback that should and need to be reflected during the third attempt at implementing the ERP system for Bombardier. Two very significant areas of concern that were identified in the first analysis (blog) of Bombardier’s implementation of an ERP system and rated red as needing major improvements by Dynamic Consultants were the going live phase and training for the implementation. The consultants shared valuable best practices that will have a great impact during the third implementation if followed. 

        Friday, May 31, 2013

        Bombardier’s ERP Implementation

        Bombardier is a key player in the transportation industry. Not only is the company successful with their rail transportation but also their ventures into the aerospace industry. Bombardier even diversified into manufacturing civil and military aircraft and acquiring large organizations like Havilland Company from Boeing over its lifetime. Throughout the company’s existence, they have been committed to updating their legacy information system, the Bombardier Manufacturing System (BMS), which is based on a MACPAC platform. Although the system satisfied their business needs it was not evolving to changes and faced many challenges that needed improvement. The Vice-President of Operations and Project Sponsor had a vision of ingratiating the organization into one, “One Company.” The system, which was more of a business transformation than a technology implementation would share common data across sites and products using a single set of unified systems and processes. The transition became known as the BMIS Project which entailed an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Bombardier’s first implementation failed and was discontinued mid-project in 2000 after $130 million was spent. The reasons that contributed to the first implementations failure were:
        1. Focusing the implementation on inappropriate business processes
        2. An outdated company vision
        3. A weak sponsorship model
        4. Insufficient involvement of internal employees
        5. Too many third-party consultants
        2001, one year after the first failed attempt of the ERP system implementation, a group of senior managers from Bombardier Aerospace’s Irish facilities established a new integrated manufacturing system. This project focused on a wider ERP strategy and the vision of “One Company,” an integrated organization. The system planned to support Bombardier’s Aerospace operation and focus on the processes that support manufacturing, procurement, finance and the engineering data required to support these processes. $363 million was the budgeted amount to implement the BMIS system across all facilities and it would support 9,500 users over seven sites. This implementation would require 400 people but if successful would result in $1.171 billion in savings for Bombardier and a one-time reduction of $219 million in material inventory. One primary objective for the BMIS implementation was that manual tasks would give their jobs a more analytical focus as it would reduce clerical tasks performed by the employees. This implementation would also reduce the amount of paper used which was an ultimate goal, being a paperless workplace.
        The BMIS implementation was not seamless and contained challenges that could certainly aid the company in future implementations. For starters, an original thought during this implementation was the “to-be” processes designed by the project team that were presented to the relevant functional councils for approval. The intent for this was that the project would be organized according to processes but this was abandoned during the blueprint phase and was reverted to a functional organization. Learning from the past allows the company to not waste time on trial and error when for example, they already know the implementation would not be affective if organized according to processes. Other challenges that could be identified from the BMIS implementation and not repeated for any future implementations are:
        1. Lack of communication as some managers made no effort to ensure employees were informed of the implantation progress even though the Senior Project Manager emphasized to the Business Process Managers that communication was 80% of their job during this implementation
        2. Design workshops were held during the design phase to assist in the implantation of the ERP system but managers were unable to attend due to scheduling difficulties and pressure in the business environment (unrelated to the project)- this caused issued for the project team in confirming the appropriateness of their design decisions
        3. Reluctance to take ownership during the design phase- managers were not committed 100% of the time
        4. Absence of strong business employees who constancy had to go back to the business in order to validate their decisions
        5. Hazy answers were received from the BMIS team when they were asked to provide documentation illustrating the high-level processes included in the system
        6. Overlapping of the realization and integration testing activities because the design phase ran over schedule
        7. Total acquisition costs not being considered when making purchasing decisions
        8. Training
          1. training material did not reflect an understanding of the business
          2. not user friendly
          3. descriptions and exercises were too detailed and difficult to follow
        9. Going Live
          1. ensured the August 4th, 2004 deadline was not pushed back sacrificed the deployment as they were not ready
          2. focusing on new roles and responsibilities rather than how to complete transactions
          3. power users stayed on site temporarily however challenges began to surface months after implementation, after power users left the site
          4. frustrated users when support staff could not solve their problems
          5. continued use of legacy system
          6. technical issues- Finance employees were making manual corrections to the general ledger if materials were issued incorrectly
          7. delays in Bill of Materials
          8. managers failed to use reporting functionality that was available in the system
        Success factors and ideas of the ERP implementation that should be repeated for any future implementations are:
        1. Implementing one plant at a time
        2. A “vanilla” approach system design- minimal modifications or enhancement be made to processes in SAP
        3. Procurement function- moving toward a policy of global strategic sourcing, eliminate all clerical activities, automate as many processes as possible and improve supplier compliance
        4. Power users and super users made significant efforts to adapt the training material in order to bring it to satisfactory standard
          1. internal training supplements
          2. additional courses and training material provided
          3. information focused on roles
        5. After going live, at least one power user should always be available on site to act as a link between the business and technical support staff
        6. Not disrupting production schedules
        The BMIS implementation contributed to a reduction in inventories of $1.2 billion across Bombardier Aerospace less than one year after the Go Live. This demonstrates that even with a large amount of challenges the implementation can still be successful including the facts that the deadline was met, the project was below budget and the Bombardier Aerospace delivered one more plane than scheduled during the implementation process of BMIS. Executing the same ideas, applying the best practices and critiquing the challenges the company faced with the Mirabel implementation of BMIS, Bombardier can be even more effective in their next implementation. 

        Thursday, May 30, 2013

        Ubuntu Whobuntu?

        Ubuntu is a free computer operating system that can be downloaded and installed with one easy click. The following are just a few advantages that Ubuntu can provide a company:
        • It’s FREE!
        • Over 1,000 applications available for purchase and download
        • Free storage on its cloud platform
        • User friendly
        • Ability to scroll through all open windows
        • Mobile capabilities
        • Compatibility with Microsoft programs
        • Security
        • Social media all in one
        As great as Ubuntu sounds, is it right for every company? My current company relies on Microsoft programs, especially Microsoft Excel. Even though the Ubuntu website and many other sources state the LibreOffice Suite (the Linux version of Microsoft Office) is compatible with Windows infrastructure, I would still be hesitant to make the switch. My main concern for this is that we interact with clients on a daily basis and exchange file that are almost always Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel files. Will those files always be compatible? It would be complete shame to lose clients and revenue they bring in just because we have repeat issues with compatibility due to an operating system. Is it truly worth sacrificing clientele for a new operating system when our current Windows operating system works? Window has not failed us and we have had no issues with sharing documents and files with clients as we run on the same operating system and have no concern or worry about compatibility.

        However, after a little research I found that Microsoft Office Suite 2010 can be installed on Linux systems like Ubuntu. The common trend I found while researching was that the installation and use of Microsoft Office on Ubuntu is “not perfect, but good and can get the job done.” There is also a large chance of damaging your system during the installation. Also, it takes a lot of background work through PlayOnLinux to actually download the software and then associate the file to Ubuntu. So is Ubuntu truly worth the switch? 

        Now as great as all the features are on Ubuntu and as exciting and interesting as it would be to use a new operating system that largest downfall can truly jeopardize my company. Would Microsoft Office outweigh a social net app that allows my company to manage all our social networks in one location? Or would the use of Microsoft Office make the new feature of scrolling through open windows seem less efficient even thought my co-workers constantly work in multiple windows? To answer both of those questions, the answer is yes! We rely too much on Microsoft files to send to clients and sacrificing that would hurt our business and our bottom line. We cannot lose high volume accounts because clients have issues opening our files. While Ubuntu is a wonderful alternative to an operating system it truly is not the right answer for my company at this point in time.    

        Thursday, May 23, 2013

        iPads for Success

        To:                        Bill and Tom
        From:                    Ria
        Subject:                iPad Case for Success
        Date:                    May 23, 2013

        Good Afternoon Bill and Tom,

        I am writing to follow up with your recent inquisition of transitioning from laptops to iPads for your sales department. As iPads are certainly a tool of today’s digital world it is important to measure the advantages and disadvantages before making such a large investment for your company. After further researching and evaluating your information technology, sales and finance department, I have gathered the following:

        Laptop Advantages
        iPad Disadvantages
        Exclusive programs
        Programs are not compatible
        Renew lease
        New lease for iPads
        Secure VPN and firewalls
        Lack of security
        Networking files, documents, etc.
        All information on only 1 cloud
        Easy daily access (keyboard, mouse)
        Would only rely on iPad (no laptop)
        Few hours for set up
        6 to 9 months to create and build applications with compatible software
        Much easier and effective to work on laptops
        New trainings for iPads

        Laptop Disadvantages
        iPad Advantages
        Large and bulky
        Convenient for traveling (lightweight)
        Battery needs additional charging, especially when out on the field
        Better battery life
        Challenges of finding power outlet to charge laptop
        Better battery life
        Need to find connectivity through Wi-Fi or hotspots
        3G capability and Wi-Fi
        Less efficient while presenting to doctors
        Better speed and efficiency while presenting to doctors
        Difficult note taking when standing in the hallway
        Easy note taking during quick conversations
        Limited storage/memory  space, must be connected to network
        Cloud for organization, unlimited storage/memory, access anywhere
        Less team members want laptop
        Sales team wants iPads
        Costly leasing fees
        Less cost for leasing
        Total cost of ownership is $9,000
        Total cost of ownership is less than $9,000
        Routine training on new equipment/software
        Trainings will be integrated into regional meetings
        Standard routine for doctors
        Better perception to doctors, wow factor!
        Nothing new and exciting or interesting
        Increase of sales due to client interest
        Lease is up in a year and half
        Have time to finance, purchase and set up iPads within a year and half
        Norm, following standard
        Breaking the norm, adapting with technology
        The iPads would certainly be the best option for detailers to use out in the field where they can have easy access, a lightweight device to present information to doctors, effortless internet capabilities, great battery life and many more benefits as demonstrated above. As seen from the tables, transitioning to iPads will provide your company with more than double the advantages than continuing the use of laptops. After further researching and analyzing the important information provided by your departments, I feel that it is in the best interest of your company to lease iPads for your sales detailers. This alteration in the sales department should begin once your leases on the current laptops expire, roughly in a year and a half. Leasing iPads for the detailers will have a significant effect not only on your sales department but your company as a whole. You will be making new strides in today’s technological world and improve services with your clients in more ways than one.  

        Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
        Thank you for your time.

        Tuesday, May 21, 2013

        Reflecting on Zara

        The globally recognized clothing store, Zara is a retailer that functions on an outdated DOS system and management is beginning to question their information technology (IT) systems. After carefully analyzing the company and the functions of organization, four alternatives have been given to Zara to implement as one of their solutions. The following are the four alternatives:
        1. Discard making any changes to Zara’s current systems and let the company continue to run as it has been on the older DOS system.
        2. Continue using Zara’s current systems but purchasing many extra POS terminals from their vendor to ensure they have for future use in case their vendor stops the selling the older system.
        3. Upgrade Zara’s current POS terminals to build new capabilities into the software and a more customized system.
        4. Update Zara’s current POS terminals and software system to Windows, UNIX or Linux.
        After the first evaluation of Zara’s IT procedures and processes the fourth alternative appeared as the best option for the company to adapt. This is because switching to Windows, UNIX or Linux will give the company updated and current software to utilize and will allow all platforms to communicate with each other. This alternative would also provide Zara with efficient service to allow stores to perform at a higher level by adding functionality and networking capabilities. However, after the consultation with Fast Solution Consultants this alternative may benefit Zara but alternative three, of updating the POS terminals to a new operating system would certainly have a larger effect on the company. Alternative three would have the same benefits as the fourth alternative but as the consultants mentioned this alternative fulfills all of Zara’s requirements for their IT system. A new operating system would have the follow advantages as well:
        1. Be independent from the POS vendor
        2. Stores would have accessibility to inventory look up
        3. Real time inventory updates
        4. Networking within the stores
        5. Easily transmitted data to HQ
        6. Easy installation
        7. Digital receipts
        8. Investigations of chargeback situations by credit card companies
        9. Online interaction
        10. Enhanced traceability of goods
        11. Inventory management
        12. Retail transaction interface         
        Not only will alternative three bring about these great benefits, it will also generate a great deal of savings for Zara. Taking all the advantages into account and Fast Solution Consultants conclusion that “upgrading to a modern technology system will allow Zara to improve efficiency in the ordering, fulfillment and manufacturing process, thereby increasing  efficiencies in operations, product development, information and communication and also reduce cost of production, marketing and advertising” alternative three is the best recommendation for Zara.

        Friday, May 17, 2013

        Visio for Websites...

        Microsoft Office includes four basic programs (1) Microsoft Office Word, (2) Microsoft Office PowerPoint, (3) Microsoft Office Excel and (4) Microsoft Office Outlook but what about Microsoft Visio? Microsoft Visio is a diagramming program that allows one to create professional diagrams to simplify complex information with shapes, collaboration tools and data-linked diagrams. Originally, my first thought of Microsoft Visio was “it creates a diagram, that’s simple; you can do that on Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint.” But after a little research and some experimenting, Microsoft Visio does more than that! The following is a simple swimlane created to show the Meeting Planner Process starting from when the client gives the meeting logistics to the meeting planner all the way till when the client makes their payment to the meeting planning company.  Notice the extra details in each aspect and the complicated process that is easily clarified with a simple flow chart.
        Microsoft Visio could be a successful contribution to my company. We specialize in website registrations where we design websites for clients and track attendee registration through the website. Adding diagrams and flow charts to our websites can certainly have a great impact as it could emphasize important information in a simple image. A diagram is definitely easier to show complex or large amounts of material in a professional and simple manner. Having Microsoft Visio flow charts on client websites would keep the information neat, enhanced and impressive. Also, seeing as we use Microsoft Excel for many daily projects and reports we can import information from the spreadsheets into Microsoft Visio and create seamless diagrams. This would be a great added feature for our client websites and one I am sure our clients would always request. A perfect example would be expressing the travel process to our attendees. As many times as we explain the process in detail on the website attendees are always confused. Adding a simple diagram like the one below would avoid frustrated attendees, aggravated phone calls and irritated emails. And the best part about the illustration below is that it only took about fifteen minutes to create! That includes adding color and pictures.
        Adding such a feature as Microsoft Visio diagrams to our services would benefit especially since the majority of our services are based on a la carte pricing. The price range could be anywhere from $150 to $800 depending on the level and simplicity of the diagram. This would be additional revenue added just for a diagram. That could be an extra $450 more to the client’s total charges and $450 more in revenue. Microsoft Visio would be a great addition to our company and would have positive effects and advantages. The thought of just adding diagrams to client websites is just one step to improve our services. We could create diagrams about our company and display them at tradeshows to better explain our company process and how we work to create great service for our clients. We can use them internally for training new hires about the how to’s of our business or express sales trends to the marketing team. The opportunities are endless with Microsoft Visio. 

        Thursday, May 16, 2013

        Zara Being Left Behind

        Zara, a globally recognized clothing retailer that actualized $502 million in net income and $4,554 million in revenues for its 2002 fiscal-year, is finding information technology (IT) challenges within their company. Why is such a successful company affected by IT issues? Xan Salgado Badas, head of IT for Inditex is now questioning Zara’s current processes and equipment. Zara, Inditex’s largest chain of stores still runs on a Disk Operating System (DOS) which is not even supported by Microsoft any more. DOS is a widely installed operating system in personal computers, it was originally known as Microsoft’s MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) and was replaced in 1985 with Windows OS. Zara has been working with their POS terminals to continue the use of the DOS system. The DOS system provides Zara with the basic IT applications of inventory control, ordering, purchasing, returning, etc. The system though has its disadvantages as it runs on a modem and all the software and programs do not communicate with each other. Also, store employees cannot view their inventory or other store inventories; they need to call stores when looking for a specific item. The store managers need to walk around the store and determine what to order as replenishment quantities when it comes time to purchasing. These are just a few setbacks that Zara is encountering that has made Salgado rethink their IT components. Salgado even says store managers are asking for their POS application to include more and he is reconsidering their current contracts with their vendor. Even though Zara’s vendor reveals Zara as their biggest customer, they made it clear that Zara is its only customer using the outdated DOS system.  The vendor reassures Zara that they will not be making drastic changes but that has not been confirmed in any written documentation.

        Salgado has found four alternatives to solving his IT problem within the company.
        • Discard making any changes to Zara’s current systems and let the company continue to run as it has been on the older DOS system.
        • Continue using Zara’s current systems but purchasing many extra POS terminals from their vendor to ensure they have for future use in case their vendor stops the selling the older system.
        • Upgrade Zara’s current POS terminals to build new capabilities into the software and a more customized system.
        • Update Zara’s current POS terminals and software system to Windows, UNIX or Linux.

        The first alternative to Zara’s IT is a good for the company as they do not have to worry about changes or adapting to new systems because their current DOS system is certainly stable. Another benefit for their current system is that the software is easy to install and opening a new store involves no IT assistance as store manages simply insert a disk and allow the installation to begin. However, this alternative has a very large disadvantage that will affect Zara in the future when their vendor stops producing the POS terminals with the older DOS system. Even though the vendor promises there will be no changes, the day will come when Zara needs to upgrade to a new version of software. In addition, the current DOS software is not even supported by Microsoft any longer as it has become outdated. Alternative two follows the same advantages and disadvantages as the first but has additional factors to consider. With alternative two the company can continue to keep their current processes and purchase more POS terminals before their vendor stops selling the older DOS system. This however, will cause a financial burden on Zara. Instead of the company allocating such expenses to an older system that will eventually need to be upgraded, why not use the money to invest in a system that will allow Zara to progress and move forward in future endeavors. Holding off on such an upgrade is in inevitable as it will eventually need to occur and Zara will need to find a modernized and accepted software. Alternative three is fantastic and it will give Zara a customized feature. This is exactly what store managers are looking for, more options. Zara can duplicate the system process that already works for their company and in addition add features that will not only benefit them but expand their services. This option will also allow for more quick and efficient services for the stores when inventory records are updated and purchasing becomes improved. This alternative though will entail experienced IT professionals. As Salgado’s technical lead for the POS system expresses, he knows the current system very well and IT is not involved in many store openings as the software is that easy to install. This alternative will require IT assistants to open stores and to troubleshoot all the custom features. This alternative will also come as a pricy option with all those customized features. The fourth alternative is surely the best option for Zara. Zara switching to Windows, UNIX or Linux will give the company an updated and current software to use, unlike the current DOS system that is not even supported by Microsoft. The modernized version will give way to efficient service and allow stores to perform at a higher level by adding functionality, networking capability and more. This alternative will allow all platforms to communicate with each other and be in sync. Switching to Windows, UNIX or Linux will definitely come at a price and will involve IT assistance but will certainly benefit Zara in the future. Zara will stay current with technology, give store managers the right tools to provide much more quality service to their consumers, improve the overall operation and positively increase revenue. 

        Friday, May 10, 2013

        Reflecting on Junk Van

        Marcus Kingo has found his company lacking the key services it once provided to their customers and the overall management and organization of his company, Junk Van. He needs to find a solution that is cost effectibe, can be established in a short time, simple to manage, remotely accessible to all employees especially drivers, user friendly and most importantly organized to keep all the components of his operation under control. The five alternatives Kingo has are upgrading his current program, Microsoft Access, a custom application, Google Docs, Platform as a Service (PaaS) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The Consultants did an incredible presentation on Junk Van and were very convincing about the Stage 50 program. Their presentation had all the key components and demonstrated how Junk Van can prosper and improve. 4e Consultants provided Junk Van with a good list of five software options Junk Van can use to flourish their company. After narrowing the choices down to ERP they provided the top ERP alternative that would work best for Junk Van, Stage 50.

        The original analysis of Junk Van revealed the advantages and disadvantages of all five alternatives. It concluded that the fourth alternative, PaaS was the best option for Kingo as it suits all of his requirements. However, 4e Consultants provided respectable reasons as to why PaaS is not the better option for Junk Van. The drawbacks of this alternative are expensive cost for a small business like Junk Van, the software must be purchased and built with additional costs, customization comes at a fee as well and there is uncertainty as to how much platform is actually needed for the company. These shortcomings were certainly overlooked in the first analysis and need to be revaluated. The cost factor is an enormous disadvantage, especially for Kingo, as he cannot afford to pay $600 a month, not including extra charges for purchasing software, building programs and customization.

        After viewing the presentation it is clear that ERP is the best alternative for Kingo. ERP is affordable, facilitates future growth, includes reliable communication, offers simultaneous access, and performs automatic updates in real time. 4e Consultants took their presentation a step further and offered a specific ERP solution that would be appropriate for Kingo and his company. As good as SAP Business One and Microsoft Dynamics are their software comes at a very high cost, about $20K-$50K. SAP Business One also requires about 18-20 months for installation and Microsoft Dynamics provides average customer service to their customers. Sage 50 though, gives Kingo the answer to all his problems. Sage 50 is designed for small businesses that allow the company to expand and the software grows with the company giving future opportunities to upgrades as Junk Van succeeds. The software creates customer listing, includes payroll functionality and provides good customer service and training capabilities. Stage 50 also eliminates frustrations like daily emails to drivers about reservations, manual inputting for drivers, paper invoices, revisiting customer sites, outside bookkeeping, manual payroll and data clerks. After further evaluation and viewing the presentation by 4e Consultants it is time to consider the ERP system for Junk Van and stress to Kingo how well Sage 50 will do for his company. 

        Wednesday, May 8, 2013

        Reflecting on P&G

        The consultants did a great job at presenting their case and showing that the third alternative, Web-Enabled EDC system would certainly be the best option for P&G. They explained that the problem for P&G is to find a solution that would add the most value to the company. The consultants illustrated the risks and disadvantages of the first two problems very well. It was very convincing to see how the first alternative, updating the paper-based process and the second alternative, digital imaging would sacrifice time, cost and quality for P&G.

        The consultants brought up a few very good points to keep in mind about the Web Enabled EDC system. P&G would be the first in its industry to implement this type of design, giving them a competitive advantage against their competitors. This alternatives would also speed up the process and reduce the length of time it takes for their company to complete clinical trials for prescription drugs. Another reward is that P&G would save over $590 million with this new technology based process. The consultants demonstrated many other great advantages when explaining how the Web Enabled EDC system would enhance the company’s time management that were overlooked in the first analysis of P&G. Real-time study progress for relevant items like patient compliance data, reduced investigation burden for monitoring and data management, less data entry for site coordinators and eliminating discrepancies in queries are just a few of those benefits. As the consultants explained Web-Enabled EDC would improve P&G’s software, provide a more efficient workforce and investigators would have immediate access to the database.

        As mentioned, in the first analysis of P&G and as the consultants recommended, the Web Enabled EDC would be the better solution for the company to reduce the length of time it takes to complete clinical trials for prescription drugs. It does not only improve the timing of clinical trials but has a positive effect on cost management and quality work for P&G. It also allows the company to venture into the digital era of experiencing new technologies. Overall, the Web Enabled EDC alternative would certainly improve the efficiency of P&G’s current data management system.      

        Friday, May 3, 2013

        Junk Van or No Van

        Entrepreneur, Marcus Kingo invested himself in his company, took pride in his work and looked for success in creating a franchise company. Kingo’s fast-growing waste collection business has become a challenge ever since inefficiency and errors came knocking on his door. As his business is expanding operational challenges are emerging due to his custom-built MS-Works® database. Customer service is being sacrificed, the operation is negatively impacted and expenses are increasing because Junk Van’s data processing system is lacking in performance. Kingo has been left with a difficult decision of improving his virtual business model by finding the right information technology (IT) tool for his company. The right solution needs to be cost effective, established in a short time, simple to manage, remotely accessible to all employees especially drivers, use friendly and most importantly organized to keep all the components of his operation under control. The components Kingo’s operation consists of are the clerk’s database and bookkeeping, the driver’s itineraries, customer billing, payments and reservations, driver’s updates on performed jobs and staff payroll.

        Kingo found five possible solutions for his business problem. The first option is to upgrade his MS- Works® to MS- Access® which can be done in a short time and at a low price. Converting his system will also fulfill his needs of hosting multiple computers and remote access. However, in order for the system to have remote access capabilities it must be hosted by a shared server which would require outside assistance as Kingo is unable to perform the set up. He is qualified enough to perform the upgrade on the local computers but that scenario would not allow for remote access. Adding the shared server would not only require professional assistance but also require additional user licenses for every employee. The licenses are priced at $179 per a computer. Kingo’s second option is to customize his own application. This would involve an IT specialist to build a custom system specifically for Kingo that would include all the necessary features to fit his virtual business model. Although, a custom system would be built to satisfy the central database with remote access per Junk Van’s needs, it would be costly and take up to four weeks to have the system operating. The upfront cost would be $2,000 plus $60 per hour per developer for maintenance support would be needed. It is difficult to estimate the cost of maintenance as Kingo could not predict how much maintenance would be needed for his custom-made software. Other downfalls with this alternative would be extra costs for data migration, not being able to approve the application or even see it before hand and support for this customized software would be billed by the hour. Google Docs would be Kingo’s third alternative and would certainly fulfill his price conscious factor as the program is free for up to ten user accounts and small businesses are only charged $5 per user per month or $50 per use per year. It would be implemented rather quickly as Kingo already created a free account to learn more, it is certainly user friendly and Kingo can migrate the system himself in a short amount of time. Although, Google Docs requires the company to input all their data on the online spreadsheet, it would cause issues for the call center operators who would need to work off a very extensive form. Inputting confidential customer and company information on this online application also raises confidentiality issues that Kingo may have to deal with in the future. Google Docs even lacks customer support and Kingo would be forced to use online blogs and forums for assistance with the program. A fourth alternative for Kingo’s Junk Van Company is called Platform as a Service (PaaS). This system is similar to Google Docs, as it delivers on a cloud-computing infrastructure but has the ability to provide users with a build your own application and common applications with a shared computing platform through a third party. Kingo witnessed this program in action when a sales representative performed an on-site trial and found that the system was straightforward. He could build forms and connect tables just as the agent did with the tasks. Another positive factor about this program is that it would take about three days to implement and migrate all of the company’s data. However, this software comes at a cost of $300 to $600 a month depending on the storage space, user licenses and amount of applications. For Kingo to customize the program further he would need to invest more time and money, the quoted amount for additional support would cost him $180 per hour. Seeing as price is a set back with this option, the advantages would be that no long-term contracts are required, monthly service amounts can be changed at any time and canceling the service only requires one month’s notice. A fifth alternative for Kingo would be the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System that is built around a central database, designed for accessible remote access and allows for integrated business procedures. This alternative comes at a high cost of $2,500 per user per year with an expected user amount of 20-25. Seeing as Junk Van had fewer than 20-25 users the license prices would likely be higher at an estimated amount of $12,000 in lieu of four licenses. The ERP system also focused on finance and manufacture structures of a business; sections of the business Kingo did not need to invest time or money on since it is not relevant to what he needs. The system not only emphasizes on production but appears static and not as flexible to benefit Kingo’s virtual business model.

        Kingo must make an important decision for his company in order to remain successful and escalate Junk Van to the next level of franchise. Junk Van is currently struggling to reduce inefficiencies, improve customer service, staying organized, keeping costs low and managing software that will enable important features like remote access and user friendly forms. Kingo hopes to keep his virtual business model idea and find the right software for his company. The fourth alternative, Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a logical opportunity for Kingo to choose as it provides all the right answers for him. It is cost effective as he is able to scale the service up or down at any point. This allows him to test packages and find the right one along with the right cost that suits his company best. In addition there are no long-term contracts to consider and cancellation of the software is simple. The program is user friendly to the point that Kingo can perform tasks himself and still have the ability to rely on their support system if needed. It also allows Kingo to build his own customizable application if he chooses. Best of all, the set up time only requires three days!